Impact of Federal Shutdown on Sponsored Projects
Federal Shutdown
Federal Government Reopens
On February 15, 2019, the President signed into law, H.J.Res. 31, the “Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2019,” Divisions A through G of the enrolled bill provide full-year funding for fiscal year (FY) 2019 through September 30, 2019, for projects and activities of all Federal Government agencies and programs not yet included in enacted appropriations bills. Division H extends certain expiring immigration authorities, provides for the budgetary treatment of the bill, and makes other technical corrections to existing law.
On January 25, 2019, the President signed into law H.J. Res. 28, the “Further Additional Continuing Appropriations Act, 2019,” which includes a short-term continuing resolution that provides fiscal year 2019 appropriations through February 15, 2019, for continuing projects and activities of the Federal Government included in the remaining seven appropriations bills.
SPO Guidance to PIs and RAs
Partial Federal Shutdown 2019: Campus Guidance
Additional Guidance
- Berkeley News: The Shutdown and Berkeley: Q&A with Vice Chancellor Randy Katz (January 22, 2019)
- Vice Chancellor for Research: Impacts of the Federal Government Shutdown on Berkeley Research (January 17, 2019)
- Lewis-Burke Associates: Policy Update: Shutdown Outlook and Impacts for Higher Education and Research (December 21, 2018)
- Research Advocate article: What Happens If the Federal Government Shuts Down? (December 20, 2018)
Federal Agencies
Office of Management and Budget
- Agency Contingency Plans (links to contingency plans for agencies across the federal government)
- Government Reopening Check List – Items for Consideration January 2019 (January 25, 2019)
- OMB Memoranda
- M-19-09 Reopening Departments and Agencies (January 25, 2019)
- M-19-08, Preparing for an Orderly Reopening Following the Partial Lapse in Appropriations (January 25, 2019)
- OMB Memorandum M-19-06, Status of Agency Operations (December 21, 2018) “NOTICE: During a lapse in federal appropriations, the system will remain in an Operational status. Additionally, the Support Center will remain available to provide assistance to applicants.”
Agencies with Appropriations through September 2019 (as of February 15, 2019, partial list)
- National Science Foundation: Contingency Plan (November 2018), Contingency Plan (August 2019),
- Grant and Cooperative Agreement-Related Policy and Systems Issues Following the Resumption of Operations at the National Science Foundation (January 31, 2019)
- NSF: “Due to a lapse in appropriations, NSF is closed. NSF will continue to accept proposals in accordance with published deadlines.” (December 22, 2018)
- Information About the Government Shutdown for NSF Proposers and Grantees (December 22, 2018)
- NSF: Federal Government Shutdown due to Absence of Appropriations (December 21, 2018)
- Department of Agriculture
- U.S. Forest Service: Notice Lifting Order to Suspend Grants & Agreements Operations (February 5, 2019)
- U.S. Forest Service Notification: Lapse in Appropriations (December 26, 2018)
- National Park Service: Continue/Resume Operations of NPS Financial Assistance Agreements (January 28, 2019)
- National Park Service: Performance of NPS Financial Assistance Agreements During a Lapse in Appropriations (December 26, 2018)
- USDA ezFedGrants Support Notice-Potential Government Shutdown (December 21, 2018)
- Department of Commerce
- Department of Homeland Security
- Department of Interior
- Department of Justice: DOJ Contingency Plan
- Office on Violence Against Women: OVW Grant Payments (January 7, 2019)
- Office of Justice Programs: Lapse in Appropriation: OJP Operational Status (January 3, 2019)
- Office of Justice Programs: Government Shutdown: OJP Will Continue to Operate through January 4 (December 21, 2018)
- Department of State
- Department of Transportation
- Environmental Protection Agency
- National Aeronautics and Space Administration: NASA Contingency Plan
- NSPIRES: “If the partial federal shutdown extends past January 31, then NSPIRES will be unavailable due to a lack of funding.”
- NASA Furlough Notification to All Grant and Cooperative Agreement Recipients (December 26, 2018)
- NASA Contract Notification: Federal Government Shutdown due to Absence of Appropriations (December 26, 2018)
- NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory: Cost-Type Subcontracts (January 14, 2019)
- National Endowment for the Arts: NEA Contingency Plan
- National Endowment for the Humanities: NEH Contingency Plan
- California Humanities Grantmaking (January 18, 2019)
- U.S. Agency for International Development: USAID Contingency Plan
Agencies with Appropriations through September 2019 (as of December 21, 2018)
- Department of Defense
- Department of Education
- Department of Energy
- Department of Health and Human Services (includes the National Institutes of Health)
- Department of Labor
- Department of Veterans Affairs
Note: Information below is from the early 2018 federal shutdown.
Early 2018 - Federal Shutdown
March 23, 2018: Congress approved H.R.1625 - Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2018 and the President signed the bill into law.
Research Advocate article: What Happens If the Federal Government Shuts Down? (January 19, 2018)
Office of Management and Budget
- Agency Contingency Plans (links to contingency plans for agencies across the federal government)
- OMB Memoranda
- OMB Memorandum M-18-11, Reopening Departments and Agencies (February 9, 2018)
- OMB Memorandum M-18-10, Status of Agency Operations (February 8, 2018)
- OMB Memorandum M-18-07, Reopening Departments and Agencies (January 22, 2018)
- OMB Memorandum M18-05, Planning for Agency Operations during a Potential Lapse in Appropriations (Revised) (January 19, 2018)
- OMB Memorandum M-18-06, Status of Agency Operations (January 20, 2018)
Federal Agencies
Department of Health and Human Services
FY 2018 HHS Contingency Staffing Plan for Operations in the Absence of Enacted Annual Appropriations
- National Institutes of Health
- NIH Operates Under a Continuing Resolution Through March 23, 2018 (NOT-OD-18-136) (March 7, 2018)
- Grant Application Due Dates Following the Recent Lapse in Appropriations (NOT-OD-18-131) (January 23, 2018)
- Office of Extramural Research: “Due to the lapse in government funding, the information on this website may not be up to date, transactions submitted via the website may not be processed, and the agency may not be able to respond to inquiries until appropriations are enacted. Updates regarding government operating status and resumption of normal operations can be found at” (January 22, 2018)
National Science Foundation
- NSF shutdown notice (January 22, 2018)
- NASA Furlough Notification to All Grant and Cooperative Agreement Recipients (January 22, 2018)
Note: Information below is from the 2013–2014 federal shutdown.
2013 - Federal Government Reopens: Federal Agency Guidance
On January 17, 2014, the President signed into law H.R. 3547, the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2014, providing fiscal year 2014 appropriations for the federal government through September 30, 2014.
On October 17, 2013, the President signed into law H.R. 2775, the Continuing Appropriations Act, 2014, providing fiscal year 2014 appropriations for the federal government through January 15, 2014 (later extended through January 18, 2014). The effective time for the continuing resolution began on October 1, 2013. After the federal government shutdown ended, federal agencies provided procedures for resumption of business. Below is information received from the agencies. If you have any questions regarding specific proposals or awards, please contact your SPO Contract and Grant Officer.
Office of Management and Budget
- OMB Report: Impacts and Costs of the October 2013 Federal Government Shutdown (November 7, 2013)
- OMB Memorandum M-14-01, Reopening Departments and Agencies (October 17, 2013)
Department of Health and Human Services
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
- Guidance on Resumption of AHRQ Extramural Activities Following the Recent Lapse in Appropriations (NOT-HS-14-001) (October 24, 2013)
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Guidance on Resumption of NIOSH Extramural Activities after
Lapse in Appropriations
- Guidance on Resumption of NIOSH Extramural Activities for PAR-13-245 “Mentored Research Scientist Development Award (K01)” Applications Following the Recent Lapse in Appropriations (NOT-OH-14-001) (October 31, 2013)
- Guidance on Resumption of NIOSH Extramural Activities for PAR-12-200 “NIOSH Small Research Grant Program (R03)” Applications Following the Recent Lapse in Appropriations (NOT-OH-14-002) (October 31, 2013)
- Guidance on Resumption of NIOSH Extramural Activities for PAR-12-252 “NIOSH Exploratory and/or Developmental Grant Program (R21)” Applications Following the Recent Lapse in Appropriations (NOT-OH-14-003) (October 31, 2013)
- Guidance on Resumption of NIOSH Extramural Activities for PAR-13-129 “Occupational Safety and Health Research (R01)” Applications Following the Recent Lapse in Appropriations (NOT-OH-14-004) (October 31, 2013)
National Institutes of Health
- Resuming Extramural Activities after the 2013 Government
Shutdown (October 24, 2013)
- Revised Guidance on Resumption of NIH Extramural Activities Following the Recent Lapse in Appropriations (NOT-OD-14-007) (October 22, 2013)
- Status of Peer Review Meetings Scheduled to Take Place During the Recent Lapse in Appropriations (NOT-OD-14-119) (November 7, 2013)
- Additional Clarification on Resumption of NIH Extramural Activities Following the Recent Lapse in Appropriations (NOT-OD-14-014) (October 29, 2013)
- OER Rock Talk: Change in Plans – Revised Schedule for Cancelled Review Meetings (October 22, 2013)
- Frequently Asked Questions: Resuming Extramural Operations After the Shutdown (October 24, 2013)
- Guidance on Resumption of NIH Extramural Activities
Following the Recent Lapse in Appropriations (NOT-OD-14-003) (October 18, 2013)
- Application Deadlines: “All October grant application due dates have been rescheduled” with November deadlines…“NIH is giving applicants who have already submitted an application for an October due date the opportunity to replace the submission with a “refreshed” application.”
National Science Foundation
- Resumption of Operations at the National Science Foundation (October 22, 2013)
- Revised Proposal Due Date Listing (October 22, 2013)
- Frequently Asked Questions on Revised Proposal Due Date Guidance Issued After the Government Shutdown for Due Dates Falling Between October 1-25, 2013 (October 22, 2013)
Revised dates in addition to Revised Proposal Due Date Listing (as of October 24, 2013)
- ENG: Electrical, Communications and Cyber Systems: ECCS will extend its Unsolicited Proposal Submission Deadline for EPAS, EPMD, and CCSS programs to Friday, November 8th, 2013.
- MPS: Astronomical Sciences: The Advanced Technologies and Instrumentation deadline, originally set for November 1, 2013, is extended to Thursday, November 7, 2013.
- MPS: Chemistry: The October submission window has been extended to November 15th, 5:00 pm local time; The ICC submission deadline for full proposals will be extended to December 2nd, 5:00 pm local time.
- MPS: Materials Research: The window for submissions to the DMR programs that normally would close October 31 has been extended to Wednesday November 13, 5 pm your local time.
- Geography and Spatial Sciences DDRI Fall 2013 deadline cancelled (October 23, 2013)
- Grant and Cooperative Agreement Related Policy and Systems
Issues Following the Resumption of Operations at NSF (October 22, 2013)
- Proposal Review: “All panels that were canceled due to the shutdown will be rescheduled to a later date, unless a different direction is determined by the cognizant Program Officer. Ad hoc reviews that could not be submitted via FastLane during the shutdown may now be submitted via the FastLane Proposal Review function.”
- Project Reporting: “Awardees should submit their project reports via as soon as possible….”
Department of Commerce
- NIST Notification for Contractors and Grant/Cooperative Agreement Recipients (October 17, 2013)
- Earth Venture Instrument-2, Appendix M of SALMON-2 due date now 11/25/13 (October 21, 2013)
- Mars 2020 Investigations due date now 11/4/13 for required notices of intent (October 21, 2013)
- NASA Astrobiology Institute - Cycle 7 due date now 11/15/13 for Step 1 proposals (October 18, 2013)
- Research Opportunities in Fundamental Physics due date now 11/5/13 (October 18, 2013)
- Updated ROSES 2013 due dates (October 18, 2013)
2013 - Federal Shutdown: Federal Agency Guidance
Because the Appropriations Act of 2014 was not passed by midnight on September 30, 2013, there was a lapse of appropriations for the federal agencies that support UC Berkeley’s federal grants, contracts, and cooperative agreements. Federal agencies provided written procedures for shutting down and how the lapse of appropriations affected proposals and new and existing awards. On October 17, 2013, the President signed into law H.R. 2775, the Continuing Appropriations Act, 2014, providing fiscal year 2014 appropriations for the federal government through January 15, 2014, ending the 2013 federal shutdown.
Office of Management and Budget
- Agency Contingency Plans (links to contingency plans for agencies across the federal government)
- OMB Memorandum M-13-22, Planning for Agency Operations during a Potential Lapse in Appropriations (September 17, 2013)
Department of Health and Human Services
- Blog: “The Department of Health and Human Services
anticipates that the system will remain in an
operational status, but with reduced federal support staff
presence, should a lapse in appropriations occur. In addition, we
anticipate that the Contact Center will remain
available, and provide assistance to callers. HHS, as Managing
Partner, in collaboration with OMB and the Program
Management Office, will keep the federal grantor community updated
as to the status of the system as plans evolve in the
event of a government shutdown.”
- National Institutes of Health
- Informal Notice about Potential Lapse in Appropriated Funds (September 27, 2013)
- “If you are considering submitting an application for additional HHS federal assistance funding, please be advised that the system will be operational during a lapse in funding and will be accepting applications from prospective grantees. However, for NIH applications the system will only accept and store applications. Applications will not be processed further until such time as the authority and funding to return to normal business operations are restored.”
- Information for the NIH Extramural Grantee Community During the Lapse of Federal Government Funding (NOT-OD-13-126) (October 1, 2013)
- NIH-Alert letter on Current Status of NIH Extramural
Operations (October 11, 2013)
- NIH Submission at UC Berkeley: As announced, for
the duration of the funding lapse, NIH strongly encourages all
applicants not to submit paper or electronic grant
applications to NIH through However, UC Berkeley principal
investigators who wish to submit NIH proposals to SPO for review
during the funding lapse may do according to established
campus procedures. SPO
will review and provide feedback on such proposals but will
not submit proposals to NIH through until
government operations resume unless the PI requests
SPO to submit his/her proposal to NIH through during
the lapse. PIs who wish SPO to submit their NIH proposal through during the lapse should send the SPO Contract and Grant Officer assigned to his/her unit with an email message specifically requesting
this action. This email should be submitted at the same time the
proposal is routed to SPO.
- Informal Notice about Potential Lapse in Appropriated Funds (September 27, 2013)
- Centers for Disease Control
- Letter to CDC Contractors (September 27, 2013)
- Letter to CDC Grantees: Updated Information on CDC Grants During the Government Shutdown (October 4, 2013) (supersedes 9/27/2013 letter)
National Science Foundation
- NSF Plan for Operations During a Funding Hiatus (September 25, 2013)
- NSF Assistance and Contract-Related Policy and Systems Issues During the Government Shutdown (also on
- NSF letter to Intergovernmental Personnel Act (IPA) Assignees
- NSF letter on NSF Guidance regarding potential government
shutdown (September 30, 2013)
“If the government does shutdown on Tuesday, October 1,
the NSF website including FastLane and will be
unavailable. … Please be aware that, except as noted,
NSF will not be available to respond to emails or phone calls
during the shutdown, but will respond to your inquiries as
soon as practicable after normal operations have resumed.
… may be up and running, however, since
FastLane will not be operating, proposal downloads from will not take place. … Once normal
operations resume, NSF will issue guidance regarding any
funding opportunities that have a deadline or target date that
occurs during the government shutdown.”
“If the government does shutdown on Tuesday, October 1,
the NSF website including FastLane and will be
unavailable. … Please be aware that, except as noted,
NSF will not be available to respond to emails or phone calls
during the shutdown, but will respond to your inquiries as
soon as practicable after normal operations have resumed.
… may be up and running, however, since
FastLane will not be operating, proposal downloads from will not take place. … Once normal
operations resume, NSF will issue guidance regarding any
funding opportunities that have a deadline or target date that
occurs during the government shutdown.”
- NSF Submission at UC Berkeley:
Because we do not know how long the shutdown will last, we do not know
which upcoming NSF deadlines will ultimately be affected. Although
it is very likely, based on NSF’s past practices, that deadlines
occurring during and shortly after the lapse will be extended, there
is no way to know for sure. Therefore, NSF PIs with proposals due in
the near future need to decide if they want to wait for FastLane to
be up and running again to prepare/submit an NSF proposal or if they
want to use the option.
Using the Option:- The first step is to in inform the SPO Contract and Grant Officer that works with the PI’s unit as soon as possible that the PI plans to create an NSF proposal through
- NSF proposals prepared as a submission should be routed through Phoebe just like any other proposal.
When the NSF proposal is submitted through Phoebe,
the PI should provide the SPO analyst with a written
statement/email indicating one of the following:
- The proposal should be held in Phoebe until after the lapse is over, or
- The proposal should be submitted through during the lapse by the current proposal deadline.
- Please note: If an NSF proposal is submitted through, the system will not check for NSF FastLane proposal errors. This means that it would be possible for an NSF proposal to be accepted and processed by and still be rejected by NSF when the proposal is retrieved by FastLane.
Department of Agriculture
Department of Commerce
- NIST letter to U.S. Department of Commerce Financial Assistance Award Recipient
- Letter to NOAA Grantees (September 26, 2013)
Department of Defense
- Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs letter: CDMRP is open! Information about submission deadlines (October 3, 2013)
- NASA letter to All NASA Grant and Cooperative Agreement Recipients on Potential Lapse in Funding (September 27, 2013)
- NASA letter to All NASA Grant and Cooperative Agreement Recipients on Federal Government Shutdown due to Absence of Appropriations, NASA Grants and Cooperative Agreements (October 1, 2013)