American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 - ARRA Awards to UC Berkeley

The University of California, Berkeley has received a total of 224 ARRA awards for $93,642,074 as of June 7, 2013.

ARRA Awards

Principal Investigator Campus Unit Award Sponsor Agency
Allen, Richard M. Berkeley Seismological Laboratory 440,000 USDI Geological Survey
Amacher, Sharon MCB 175,767 National Institute of General Medical Sciences
Auslander, David M. ERSO 1,787,674 DOE
Bajcsy, Ruzena ERSO 246,666 NSF
Bajcsy, Ruzena ERSO 727,137 University of Illinois
Baker, Robin COEH/LOHP 88,957 UC Los Angeles
Barcellos, Lisa F. School of Public Health 52,611 UC San Francisco
Barnes, Georjana MCB 51,326 National Institute of General Medical Sciences
Barton, Gregory MCB 403,146 National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
Barton, Gregory MCB 98,890 National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
Basri, Gibor Disabled Students’ Program 138,327 California Department of Rehabilitation
Bentley, George Integrative Biology 300,000 NSF
Berger, James M. QB3 94,190 National Cancer Institute
Berger, James M. QB3 70,000 National Institute of General Medical Sciences
Bertozzi, Carolyn R. Chemistry Department 165,836 National Institute of General Medical Sciences
Bertozzi, Carolyn R. College of Chemistry 354,177 National Institute of General Medical Sciences
Bickel, Peter J. QB3 212,423 MIT
Bickel, Peter J. QB3 87,340 MIT
Biging, Gregory S. ESPM Ecosystem Sciences 69,110 UC Santa Cruz
Bilder, David MCB 230,776 National Institute of General Medical Sciences
Bodik, Rastislav ERSO 500,000 NSF
Borrelli, Francesco ERSO 430,002 NSF
Borrelli, Francesco ERSO 200,000 United Technologies Corporation
Bower, Geoffrey Radio Astronomy Laboratory 463,926 NSF
Brady, Henry E. Goldman School of Public Policy 196,315 UC San Francisco
Bray, Jonathan D. ERSO 297,798 NSF
Brenner, Steven E. Plant and Microbial Biology 15,350 Boston University
Brenner, Steven E. Plant and Microbial Biology 266,184 National Institute of General Medical Sciences
Brown, Clair Institute for Research on Labor and Employment 1,012,496 NSF
Budker, Dmitry Physics 534,000 NSF
Buffett, Bruce Earth and Planetary Science 93,076 NSF
Buffler, Patricia A. Dean’s Office, Public Health 2,272,128 National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
Burgmann, Roland Berkeley Seismological Laboratory 91,845 NSF
Carmichael, A. Christopher Botanical Garden 20,000 USDI Bureau of Land Management
Cate, Jamie H. QB3 31,067 Allopartis Biotechnologies, Inc.
Chang, Christopher Chemistry Department 1,781,190 DOE
Chow, Fotini K. ERSO 257,382 NSF
Christ, Francis Michael Center for Pure and Applied Mathematics 783,611 NSF
Clark, Douglas S. Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering 150,000 Solidus Biosciences, Inc.
Coleman, Robert F. Center for Pure and Applied Mathematics 52,729 NSF
Collins, Kathleen MCB 171,409 National Institute of General Medical Sciences
Conboy, Irina QB3 185,353 National Institute on Aging
Covello, Claudia University Health Services 54,620 Unity Council
Crommie, Michael F. Physics 1,682,741 NSF
Daganzo, Carlos F. ITS 365,502 NSF
Davis, Lucas IBER 153,500 National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
de Pater, Imke Center for Integrative Planetary Science 456,663 NSF
DePaolo, Donald J. Earth and Planetary Science 2,000 LBNL
Doudna, Jennifer A. QB3 115,125 National Institute of General Medical Sciences
Dow, William H. IBER 910,993 National Institute on Aging
Eisen, Michael QB3 184,737 National Human Genome Research Institute
Ellman, Jonathan A. Chemistry Department 69,998 National Institute of General Medical Sciences
Fajans, Joel Physics 244,000 DOE
Feldman, Daniel E. Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute 795,465 National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke
Feller, Marla B. MCB 669,750 National Eye Institute
Fine, Paul Integrative Biology 184,434 NSF
Finkel, Robert C. Earth and Planetary Science 75,980 NSF
Fischer, Robert L. Plant and Microbial Biology Department 115,315 National Institute of General Medical Sciences
Fletcher, Daniel A. QB3 80,862 National Institute of General Medical Sciences
Francis, Matthew B. Chemistry Department 201,257 National Institute of General Medical Sciences
Geissler, Phillip L. College of Chemistry 286,000 NSF
Glaser, Steven D. ERSO 74,870 LBNL
Glaser, Steven D. ERSO 204,873 LBNL
Glaunsinger, Britt Plant and Microbial Biology Department 100,375 National Cancer Institute
Glaunsinger, Britt Plant and Microbial Biology Department 102,208 National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
Glickman, Stephen E. Psychology 854,753 NSF
Goldberg, Kenneth Yigael ERSO 454,498 Case Western Reserve University
Goldstein, Allen Hyman ESPM Ecosystem Sciences 70,737 Aerosol Dynamics, Inc.
Goldstein, Allen Hyman ESPM Ecosystem Sciences 254,124 NSF
Goldstein, Allen Hyman ESPM Ecosystem Sciences 703,312 NSF
Govindjee, Sanjay ERSO 360,775 NSF
Graham, Bryan S. IBER 365,324 NSF
Grigoropoulos, Costas P. ERSO 95,000 AppliFlex LLC
Grigoropoulos, Costas P. ERSO 150,000 Porifera, Inc.
Hansen, Mark ITS 42,013 UC Santa Cruz
Hariharan, Iswar MCB 138,614 National Institute of General Medical Sciences
Harley, Kim School of Public Health 76,620 National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
Harley, Kim School of Public Health 1,493,880 National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
Hayes, Tyrone B. Integrative Biology 123,749 NSF
Healy, Kevin E. QB3 105,330 National Institute of General Medical Sciences
Hellerstein, Marc Nutritional Science and Toxicology 767,500 National Institute on Aging
Herd, Denise A. School of Public Health 46,274 DHHS Health Resources and Services Administration
Hinshaw, Stephen P. Institute of Human Development 346,203 National Institute on Drug Abuse
Holland, Nina Titenko School of Public Health 207,374 National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
Horava, Petr Physics 1,500,000 NSF
Hout, Michael IBER 52,615 National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
Iles, Alastair ESPM Ecosystem Sciences 119,996 NSF
Isacoff, Ehud MCB 66,720 Yale University
Ivey, Susan School of Public Health 18,374 National Center for Nursing Research
Jagust, William J. Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute 1,309,126 Northern California Institute for Research and Education
Jansson, Michael IBER 104,396 NSF
Kammen, Daniel M. Energy and Resources Group 203,434 SEEO, Inc.
Katz, Randy H. ERSO 1,497,426 NSF
Kazerooni, Homayoon ERSO 171,617 Ekso Bionics
Keasling, Jay QB3 1,200,000 Ginkgo BioWorks
Keasling, Jay QB3 1,000,000 National Institute of General Medical Sciences
Keasling, Jay QB3 13,508 University of Washington
Kim, Sung-Hou College of Chemistry 767,188 National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
Kirby, Robion C. Center for Pure and Applied Mathematics 2,349,360 NSF
Klinman, Judith P. QB3 109,647 National Institute of General Medical Sciences
Knobloch, Edgar Physics 111,431 NSF
Kondolf, George Mathias Center for Environmental Design Research 25,045 Southern California Coastal Water Research Project
Kuriyan, John QB3 506,649 UC San Francisco
Lee, Ronald D. IBER 93,482 UC Davis
Lee, Seung-Wuk QB3 99,999 National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research
Leemans, Wim P. Physics 612,493 NSF
Leemans, Wim P. Physics 624,000 NSF
Leitman, Dale Nutritional Science and Toxicology 115,125 The Methodist Hospital Research Institute
Levenson, Robert W. Institute for Personality and Social Research 445,911 National Institute on Aging
Levine, Michael S. MCB 253,828 National Institute of General Medical Sciences
Li, Song QB3 127,000 National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute
Lightfoot, Kent G. ARE 211,844 NSF
Liphardt, Jan T. QB3 300,115 National Institute of General Medical Sciences
Liu, Fenyong School of Public Health 171,651 National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
Long, Jeffrey R. Chemistry Department 30,000 LBNL
Long, Jeffrey R. Chemistry Department 130,034 LBNL
Looy, Cynthia Integrative Biology 22,490 NSF
Maharbiz, Michel M. ERSO 400,000 NSF
Manga, Michael Earth and Planetary Science 250,061 NSF
Manga, Michael Earth and Planetary Science 245,397 NSF
Marletta, Michael QB3 594,768 National Institute of General Medical Sciences
McCreary, Douglas CNR 194,959 UC Riverside
McFadden, Daniel L. IBER 83,895 National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.
McKoy, Deborah IURD 15,000 California Department of Public Health
Mende, Stephen SSL 151,156 NSF
Mende, Stephen SSL 260,300 Siena College
Monteiro, Paulo J. ERSO 237,827 MIT
Monteiro, Paulo J. ERSO 100,000 Northwestern University
Napoli, Joseph Nutritional Science and Toxicology 755,912 National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
Nelson, Kara L. ERSO 149,696 NSF
Ngai, John Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute 622,934 National Center for Research Resources
Ngai, John Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute 202,264 National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders
Nielsen, Rasmus Integrative Biology 201,643 Cornell University
Nolan, Deborah A. Dean, Physical Sciences 900,000 NSF
O’Grady, Patrick M. Berkeley Natural History Museums 574,436 NSF
Pestana-Nascimento, Juan M. ERSO 277,114 NSF
Peterson, Per F. ERSO 1,476,998 DOE
Pisano, Albert P. ERSO 1,777,617 DOE
Portnoy, Daniel A. MCB 97,684 National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
Portnoy, Daniel A. MCB 5,084,481 National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
Price Jr, P Buford SSL 708,000 NSF
Quataert, Eliot Theoretical Astrophysics Center 598,870 NSF
Rakas, Jasenka ITS 6,501 UC Santa Cruz
Rakas, Jasenka ITS 19,497 UC Santa Cruz
Rappaport, Stephen Morris School of Public Health 81,347 National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
Raymond, Kenneth N. Chemistry Department 15,000 LBNL
Raymond, Kenneth N. Chemistry Department 33,923 LBNL
Reimer, Jeffrey A. Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering 18,209 LBNL
Reimer, Jeffrey A. Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering 25,000 LBNL
Reimer, Jeffrey A. Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering 24,900 LBNL
Reimer, Jeffrey A. Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering 11,914 LBNL
Reimer, Jeffrey A. Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering 36,559 LBNL
Reshetikhin, Nicolai Y. Center for Pure and Applied Mathematics 326,944 NSF
Riley, Lee W. Center for Emerging and Neglected Diseases 425,303 Fogarty International Center
Riley, Lee W. School of Public Health 739,498 National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
Rine, Jasper D. QB3 932,551 National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research
Rine, Jasper D. QB3 158,850 National Institute of General Medical Sciences
Rio, Donald C. MCB 271,969 National Institute of General Medical Sciences
Romanowicz, Barbara A. Berkeley Seismological Laboratory 721,000 USDI Geological Survey
Rosenberg, Howard ARE 11,188 University of Minnesota
Russell, Stuart J. ERSO 1,200,000 NSF
Ruzin, Steven E. CNR 418,732 National Center for Research Resources
Sanders, Seth R. ERSO 201,502 City University of New York
Schaffer, David QB3 350,452 Ohio State University
Schor, Clifton M. Optometry Department 148,175 National Eye Institute
Scott, Kristin E. MCB 42,075 National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders
Seto, Edmund School of Public Health 339,891 UC Los Angeles
Shackley, M. Steven Anthropology 58,667 NSF
Shastri, Nilabh MCB 754,777 National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
Shortell, Stephen M. School of Public Health 76,041 DHHS Health Resources and Services Administration
Shortell, Stephen M. School of Public Health 76,292 DHHS Health Resources and Services Administration
Shortell, Stephen M. School of Public Health 499,535 UC Los Angeles
Siegmund, Oswald H. W. SSL 968,196 UChicago Argonne, LLC
Silver, Whendee L. ESPM Ecosystem Sciences 316,001 University of Pennsylvania
Sitar, Nicholas ERSO 519,662 NSF
Skibola, Christine F. Environmental Health Sciences 714,954 National Cancer Institute
Smith, Martyn T. School of Public Health 221,690 National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
Smith, Martyn T. School of Public Health 230,250 National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
Smith, Martyn T. School of Public Health 97,304 National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
Spear, Robert C. School of Public Health 98,393 National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
Specht, Chelsea D. University/Jepson Herbaria 550,005 NSF
Speed, Terence P. Functional Genomics Laboratory 258,529 LBNL
Speed, Terence P. Functional Genomics Laboratory 52,784 LBNL
Stacey, Mark ERSO 388,396 NSF
Staskawicz, Brian J. Plant and Microbial Biology Department 102,334 National Institute of General Medical Sciences
Steel, John Center for Pure and Applied Mathematics 376,191 NSF
Stephens, Richard S. School of Public Health 755,525 National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
Stephens, Richard S. School of Public Health 70,098 National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
Sul, Hei Sook Nutritional Science and Toxicology 95,000 National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases
Szeri, Andrew J. Graduate Division 5,004,250 NSF
Tager, Ira B. School of Public Health 49,918 Aerosol Dynamics, Inc.
Taira, Taka’aki Berkeley Seismological Laboratory 210,474 NSF
Tommelein, Iris D. ERSO 150,000 LBNL
Toste, Dean Chemistry Department 183,210 National Institute of General Medical Sciences
Valentine, James Integrative Biology 27,630 NSF
Van Der Laan, Mark School of Public Health 131,490 Kaiser Foundation Hospitals/Kaiser-Permanente Medical Centers
Van Der Laan, Mark School of Public Health 127,984 Michigan State University
Vulpe, Christopher D. Nutritional Science and Toxicology 784,125 National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
Wachter, Kenneth W. IBER 264,913 UC Davis
Walker, Matthew P. Psychology 186,330 National Institute on Aging
Wallace, Nancy E. Haas School of Business 299,997 LBNL
Wang, Feng Physics 750,000 DOE
Wawrzynek, John ERSO 2,670,000 DOE
Weis, Karsten MCB 498,498 National Center for Research Resources
Weis, Karsten MCB 991,518 National Institute of General Medical Sciences
Weisblat, David A. MCB 40,560 National Institute of General Medical Sciences
Weisblat, David A. MCB 350,000 NSF
Welten, Kees SSL 400,001 NSF
Werthimer, Dan SSL 889,822 NSF
Whitebook, Marcy Institute for Research on Labor and Employment 400,000 California Department of Education
Wildsoet, Christine F. School of Optometry 409,805 National Eye Institute
Williams, Lauren K. Mathematics 105,278 Harvard University
Wilson, Mark School of Education 900,000 California Postsecondary Education Commission
Wolfram, Catherine D. Haas School of Business 231,110 LBNL
Wolfram, Catherine D. IBER 61,938 Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Woodin, W Hugh Center for Pure and Applied Mathematics 390,000 NSF
Wu, Junqiao ERSO 350,000 NSF
Yelick, Katherine A. ERSO 755,604 NSF
Zambryski, Patricia C. Plant and Microbial Biology 750,000 NSF
Zhang, Hengzhong Earth and Planetary Science 333,461 NSF
Zhang, Luoping Environmental Health Sciences 743,251 National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
Zhou, Qiang MCB 314,817 National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
Zusman, David R. MCB 42,558 National Institute of General Medical Sciences
Zusman, David R. MCB 288,854 National Institute of General Medical Sciences