Historical Benefits Projection Rates for Proposal Budgets

See Salary and Benefits for current fringe benefits projection rates.

Proposal budgets may be prepared using these salary and benefits rates and projections; use actual rates when available.

Summary of UCOP Composite Rates for Employee Benefits (effective 1/1/2002 through 8/30/2011)

Category Composite Rate
Academic appointment (50% or more for one year or longer)* 17.0%
Visiting academic appointment 7.3%
Summer appointment (for nine month academic employees) (exclude FICA if not coordinated) 12.7%
Career employee with full benefits 22.0%
Limited career employee (100% appointment for more than 3 but less than 12 months) 10.9%
Casual employee with CORE benefits (plus 6.2% OASDI when applicable) 4.4%
Casual employee without CORE benefits (plus 6.2% OASDI when applicable) 3.5%
Academic year appointment 1.3%
Summer appointment 3.0%
* includes postdoctoral scholars.

See Salary and Benefits for current fringe benefits projection rates.