Completing the Multiple Campus (MCA) Commitment Form
All University of California (UC) entities (including other UC campuses, the UC Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources, and the UC Office of the President) that are participating in a UC Berkeley’s Prime Award must complete a Multiple Campus (MCA) Commitment Form. If you are not a UC entity, see the Subrecipient Commitment Form Guidance.
Your commitment form must be completed by someone who:
- Is knowledgeable about your institution’s business processes.
- Possesses information about the Statement of Work your institution’s Principal Investigator/Project Director will carry out.
Your commitment form must be approved and signed by your institution’s Authorized Organizational Representative (AOR). This is the individual with the authority to legally bind your institution in administration matters related to grants, contracts and cooperative agreements. It should not be the head of a sub-unit within your institution, unless that individual has the written delegated authority to serve as an AOR.
Instructions for completing the form
Guidance and Instructions on completing the MCA Commitment Form can be found at the UC Office of the President website.
UC Berkeley Proposal Information
This section must be completed by the UC Berkeley PI/Department before sending to the participating campus for completion and signature. If unknown by UC Berkeley, the participating UC campus may complete the information about the participating campus’ total funds requested.
Section A – Proposal Documents
The participating UC Campus must check the appropriate boxes to indicate the participating campus’ proposal documents (e.g. statement of work, budget and budget justification, other) included in the MCA proposal.
Section B – Certifications
- Facility and Administration Rate: The participating UC Campus must indicate the F&A rate used in the proposal, and the type of base (e.g. MTDC per the campus’s F&A Rate Agreement, total direct cots, total costs, other base) used to calculate indirect costs in their proposal budget.
- Human Subjects: The participating UC Campus must mark “Yes” or “No” to indicate if it will be carrying out human subjects’ research under the MCA mark.
- Animal Subjects: The participating UC Campus must mark “Yes” or “No” to indicate if it will be carrying out animal subjects’ research under the MCA mark.
- Stem Cells: The participating UC Campus must mark “Yes” or “No” to indicate if its Statement of Work will involves any human embryonic or adult stem cell research. For more information, see the UC Berkeley Human Stem Cell Research Policy.
- Recombinant DNA: The participating UC Campus must mark “Yes” or “No” to indicate if its Statement of Work will involves use of recombinant DNA. For more information, see the UC Berkeley Compliance Services page on the Federal Policy on Recombinant DNA.
- Cost Sharing: The participating UC Campus must mark “Yes” or “No” to indicate if it will be cost-sharing on the proposed project. Cost sharing amounts and justification must be included in the Participating Campus’ budget. Please be advised that an annual verification of cost share commitment will be required.
Approved for Participating Campus
Only an Authorized Official Representative (AOR) who has the authority to commit participating UC Campus should complete this section and sign the form. The official’s signature certifies all of the statements/information listed on the MCA Commitment Form and information and commitments provided in your organization’s proposal are true and correct.
If you have questions, please contact the Subaward Team at If you have a suggestion on how we might improve SPO’s subaward services, please drop it in the Subaward Suggestion Box.