Faculty Outside Professional Activities

See Conflict of Commitment and Outside Activities of Faculty Members (APM -025) for additional information.

UC Berkeley Notice

Date: September 13, 1995
Sender: Carol T. Christ, The Vice Chancellor and Provost
To: Deans, Directors, Department Chairs, and Administrative Officers
Subject: Faculty Outside Professional Activities

Enclosed is the revised Academic Personnel Manual Section 025, Outside Professional Activities of Faculty Members and Guidelines for Reporting Outside Professional Activities, which is effective immediately. These revisions have been reviewed by the Academic Council, the campuses, and employee organizations.

The opportunity for faculty to engage in consulting and professional activities is a privilege long recognized as beneficial to both the individual and the University. The purpose of the revised policy and guidelines is to ensure that a faculty member’s primary commitment is to the University. The policy and guidelines provided that after obligations to the University have been met, a full-time faculty member on a nine-month appointment may undertake compensated outside professional activities for no more than 39 days during the academic year.

Reporting shall be annually through the bio-bibliography form. A new version of the form will be issue during the current academic year, along with any additional guidelines that may be issued by the Office of the President.

Even though the revised policy and guidelines are effective immediately, exceptions may be granted to the time limitations in order to allow faculty members to honor outside professional commitments which have already been made. Any requests must be submitted in a timely manner for my approval and must fully document the reason for the exception and details of all consulting which will take place during the 95-96 academic year. Any commitments which are made after the date of this letter will not be approved as exceptions.

This policy should be distributed widely to your faculty. It is available on-line via both Gopher and World Wide Web. The addresses are as follows:

Via World Wide Web

Via UCOP Gopher server

Inserts for the Academic Personnel Manual will be distributed shortly.

http://www.ucop.edu/academic-personnel/_files/apm/apm-025-07-01.pdf [current link: APM - 025 Conflict of Commitment and Outside Activities of Faculty Members]

cc: Chancellor Tien, Vice Chancellor Cerny, Academic Senate Chair Williamson

Current link: Conflict of Commitment and Outside Activities of Faculty Members (APM -025)