Guidelines for Additional Compensation as Faculty Consultant
UC Berkeley CALmessages Notice
Date: March 5, 1990
Sender: Joseph Cerny, Vice Chancellor for Research
To: Deans, Directors, Department Chairs, Administrative Officers
Subject: Guidelines for Additional Compensation as Faculty Consultant
Effective immediately, the procedures set forth below will be used in conjunction with general policy guidelines for payment of additional compensation for faculty consulting issued February 28, 1986.
Prior approval at the Provostial level will be required for campus-based, extramurally-funded research projects to hire, as consultant, a member of the Berkeley Campus faculty. Compensation for interdepartmental consulting will be paid only if prior approval has been obtained. Interdepartmental is herein defined as between or among departments within the Professional Schools and Colleges, the College of Letters and Science and the Organized Research Units.
Roderic B. Park
The Vice Chancellor
cc: Provost King
Provost Cerny
Acting Provost Christ
February 28, 1986
Re: Guidelines for Additional Compensation as Faculty Consultant
University policy, as set forth in Academic Personnel Manual Section 664, in pertinent part states:
“If not regularly engaged on the project concerned, a member of the faculty may, on occasion, receive additional compensation for consultant services on projects conducted under the auspices of the University. If the project is financed by extramural funds, the grant or contract should be examined to determine whether it prohibits such compensations. (See also APM-380 and APM 660-16.)”
Implementing campus guidelines are set forth below with special reference to the satisfaction of federal requirements incorporated in federally supported contracts and grants.
1.0 Definition of Faculty Consultant:
A “faculty consultant” is an individual who holds an appointment in the professorial series and who provides specialized professional or technical advice to a campus extramurally supported project or to a campus activity supported from University funds. Such services must be extraordinary to the consultant’s normal activities and responsibilities encompassed by his/her academic year (9 months) or fiscal year (11 months) faculty appointment.
2.0 General Policies:
2.1 The use of faculty consultants in a research project is expected to be infrequent and primarily in connection with research problems which cannot be solved within the principal investigator’s academic or research discipline. Faculty consulting should not exceed the generally accepted upper limit of one day per calendar week.
2.2 Faculty consultant payments may be approved only when a determination has been made that the services are urgent, special, temporary and highly technical such that they constitute extraordinary work beyond the normal university activities and responsibilities of the consultant.
2.3 Additional compensation for intradepartmental consulting is normally not approved. Under federal rules a faculty member may not receive additional compensation for consultant services on projects conducted under the auspices of persons within his/her own department, if the project is federally funded.
2.4 Intercampus consulting by Berkeley faculty (when additional compensation is involved) shall be subject to Berkeley campus approval as herein outlined. Consulting arrangements with LBL or the other DOE laboratories does not require campus approval.
2.5 Out-of-pocket costs (such as travel) incurred by the consultant should be reimbursed separately from the additional compensation payment.
3.0 Procedural Requirements
3.1 Submit One Time Payroll Authorization (Form UPAY 564-1) to implement faculty consultant payments under APM 664. Use Description Code BYA and insert the following entry under Remarks: “Faculty consultation ______ days on the following dates: ____________.”
3.2 Faculty consulting payments are calculated on the basis of a daily rate pursuant to one of the following formulas, unless a lower rate is prescribed by a sponsoring federal agency. In such case, the federal rate will apply.
For 9 months appointees: (9 mos rate)/171 x 1.30 = Faculty Daily Rate (rounded to nearest $1.00)
For 11 months appointees: (11 mos rate)/236 x 1.30 = Faculty Daily Rate (rounded to nearest $1.00)
3.3 Faculty consulting payments (UPAY 564-1) are processed through normal review and approval channels. When payment is to be made from an extramurally funded project (grant or contract), approval of the Sponsored Projects Office (SPO) is required. Such approval will be granted upon determination that the requirements of the award have been satisfied.* SPO approval shall be recorded by signature on the UPAY 564-1.
4.0 Consultation
Advance consultation with Sponsored Projects Office staff is encouraged, especially for ascertaining the need for sponsor approval. The Academic Personnel Office is also available for consultation on general University requirements.
Roderic B. Park
The Vice Chancellor
* Such approval must be specifically provided for in the grant or contract document or approved in writing by the sponsor. In all cases the consultant must be identified and the estimated number of consulting days indicated. Budgeted amounts for “consulting” does not constitute sponsor approval.